Nearest Cellar 1.42 km from Havelock North Hawkes Bay 4130

Smith & Sheth
This New Zealand winery and cellar door is open for wine tastings of private label wines often not found in retail stores. Ask for the limited released wines from this cellar doors’ vineyard. Ask for local grown cheese and fruit platters to complement your wines. Cellar Door bookings and winery tours may be required so be sure to call in advance.
4 Te Aute Road 2 the Courtyard Village Exchange, Havelock North, Napier, 4130
(06) 650 5550
Open Now
1.42 km away
Smith & Sheth
Located locally, this cellar stocks a wide range of New Zealand boutique wines, imported wines, spirits, champagnes, ciders and beer. Ask for the weekly specials on beer, spirits and wines for locals.
4 Te Aute Road, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay, 4130
+64 06 6505550
Open Now
1.46 km away
Thirsty Liqour Havelock North
Located locally, this cellar stocks a wide range of New Zealand boutique wines, imported wines, spirits, champagnes, ciders and beer. Ask for the weekly specials on beer, spirits and wines for locals.
19 Napier Rd, Havelock North, Havelock North, 4130
06 877 9571
Open Now
1.51 km away
Hãhã Wine
This New Zealand winery and cellar door is open for wine tastings of private label wines often not found in retail stores. Ask for the limited released wines from this cellar doors’ vineyard. Ask for local grown cheese and fruit platters to complement your wines. Cellar Door bookings and winery tours may be required so be sure to call in advance.
27 Napier Road, PO Box 8948, Havelock North, Marlborough, 4157
(06) 833 7814
Open Now
1.54 km away
Hãhã Wine
This New Zealand winery and cellar door is open for wine tastings of private label wines often not found in retail stores. Ask for the limited released wines from this cellar doors’ vineyard. Ask for local grown cheese and fruit platters to complement your wines. Cellar Door bookings and winery tours may be required so be sure to call in advance.
27 Napier Road, PO Box 8948, Havelock North, Marlborough, 4157
(06) 833 7814
Open Now
1.54 km away
FernRidge Wines
Located locally, this cellar stocks a wide range of New Zealand boutique wines, imported wines, spirits, champagnes, ciders and beer. Ask for the weekly specials on beer, spirits and wines for locals.
27 Napier Road, PO Box 8948, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay, 4157
+64 06 833 7814
Open Now
1.54 km away
Haha Wine
Located locally, this cellar stocks a wide range of New Zealand boutique wines, imported wines, spirits, champagnes, ciders and beer. Ask for the weekly specials on beer, spirits and wines for locals.
27 Napier Road, PO Box 8948, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay, 4157
+64 06 833 7814
Open Now
1.54 km away
Big Barrel Havelock North
Located locally, this cellar stocks a wide range of New Zealand boutique wines, imported wines, spirits, champagnes, ciders and beer. Ask for the weekly specials on beer, spirits and wines for locals.
26 Porter Drive, Havelock North, Havelock North, 4130
06 877 9284
Open Now
1.58 km away
This New Zealand winery and cellar door is open for wine tastings of private label wines often not found in retail stores. Ask for the limited released wines from this cellar doors’ vineyard. Ask for local grown cheese and fruit platters to complement your wines. Cellar Door bookings and winery tours may be required so be sure to call in advance.
PO BOX 8949, Havelock North, Napier, 4157
21 502 996
Open Now
1.76 km away
Village Vineyards
Located locally, this cellar stocks a wide range of New Zealand boutique wines, imported wines, spirits, champagnes, ciders and beer. Ask for the weekly specials on beer, spirits and wines for locals.
265 Te Mata Rd, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay, 4294
+64 06 877 9400
Open Now
2.03 km away
Black Barn
This New Zealand winery and cellar door is open for wine tastings of private label wines often not found in retail stores. Ask for the limited released wines from this cellar doors’ vineyard. Ask for local grown cheese and fruit platters to complement your wines. Cellar Door bookings and winery tours may be required so be sure to call in advance.